New Net-Zero Energy Building on Mohawk Campus

Published on December 20, 2018

Canada’s largest Net-Zero Energy institutional building, the Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation, was recently opened at Mohawk College Fennell Campus in Ontario, as part of a collaborative effort between the mcCallumSather engineering firm and B+H Architects.

The $54 million building totals an area of 96,000 square feet, and combines high levels of energy efficiency plus 2,000 solar panels to achieve its Net-Zero Energy certification.

A Net-Zero Energy building is capable of producing as much energy as it uses; combining both renewable energy sources and strategies for high levels of energy efficiency to be able to achieve certification.


The Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation has multiple strategies for conserving energy, such as: LED lighting, sensors that detect people for room-targeted heating and cooling, stormwater harvesting, geothermal wells, and even the atrium design of the building itself has been made with the intention of cutting down on the need for artificial lights.


The building holds many energy efficient classrooms, labs, lecture theatres, and industry training centres, and it also allows for students to track and interpret the building’s energy performance in real-time.


The Canada Green Building Council selected this building, and 16 others, to be constructed under the new pilot program for net-zero carbon buildings.


In the future, the Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation is set to become the home of the Centre for Climate Change Management.


Learning From Net-Zero Energy Strategies

A home does not need to be made as energy efficient as a Net-Zero Energy building for the homeowner to save money on utility bills and lower their carbon footprint. By learning from the effectiveness of Net-Zero Energy buildings, such as the Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation, homeowners can employ similar energy-saving techniques to improve their home’s energy efficiency.


By doing small and affordable changes to a home, such as installing a smart thermostat for more efficient and room-targeted heating and cooling, or by switching over to LED lighting, a homeowner is able to see significant changes in their home’s energy consumption - resulting in a lower utility bill and lower greenhouse gas emissions from their home.


To be sure which method for improving energy efficiency in their home is not only the most effective, but also most cost-effective, a homeowner should have a Home Energy Assessment conducted by a Registered Energy Advisor.


Through the assessment, the homeowner can become aware of how energy efficient their home is, along with what methods for improving energy efficiency would net them the greatest energy savings per dollar spent - maximizing the effectiveness of their investment.


Quite often, a home can become more energy efficient through simple and affordable modifications, such as airtightness and attic insulation improvements.

Barrier Sciences Group is proud to be able to conduct Home Energy Assessments for homeowners and business owners in Ontario, and the assessment is also part of the qualification process for up to $5,000 of home renovation rebates that both Union Gas and Enbridge are currently offering their customers.

The Canada Greener Homes Grant offers home efficiency renovation grants up to $5,000.

Homeowners Canada-wide are eligible for the Canada Greener Homes Grant, announced on May 27, 2021. This new incentive offers up to $5,000 in grants for home efficiency retrofit renovations, plus a $600 reimbursement for pre- and post-work EnerGuide evaluations. Eligible retrofit scopes include home insulation, heating, doors, windows, photovoltaic solar panels, resiliency measures, and thermostats.

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